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DART-TOF Mass Spectrometer Model:AccuTOF™ DART® 4G LC-TOF

The AccuTOF™-DART® 4G is an atmospheric pressure ionization, high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometer (API-HRTOFMS). This robust and versatile mass spectrometer provides solutions for a wide variety of fields with interchangeable atmospheric and ambient ionization sources. The AccuTOF-DART 4G will exponentially improve your MS workflow - it is the only high-performance mass spectrometer system that works as fast as you think!
  • ■ Direct Analysis with Time-of-Flight MS
    AccuTOF-DART® is the perfect union of a time-of-flight mass spectrometer and an open air ion source.
    The DART ion source fully utilizes the speed and accuracy of the AccuTOF for small molecule analysis, producing clean, reproducible, easy-to-interpret data.

    ■ Real Time Analysis
    AccuTOF-DART has completely changed the field of mass spectrometry. Now you can immediately determine chemical composition of knowns and unknowns, and produce high-resolution, accurate mass spectra by simply placing a sample, in its native form, between the DART ion source and the AccuTOF mass spectrometer inlet.

    ■ Wide Analytical Range
    No interface is required between the DART and the MS, therefore the AccuTOF-DART is able to detect a wider range of polar and nonpolar compounds than any other ambient mass spec system.

    ■ Award-winning Technology
    JEOL introduced the DART ion source in 2005, and the technology quickly gained recognition, winning both the Pittcon Editor’s Gold Award and the R&D 100 Award. Since that time nearly 400 papers have been published by chemists using the AccuTOF-DART. The introduction of DART made it possible for the first time to carry out atmospheric pressure ionization for analysis of samples in open air.
    • Food, Flavors, Fragrances
    • Forensic Evidence
    • Homeland Security Threats
    • Industrial Materials
    • Organic Synthesis
    • Liquids, Powders, Vapors
    • Residue on Any Material
    • Biological Fluids
    • Trace Evidence
    • Questioned Documents
    • Illicit Drugs
    • Counterfeit Drugs
    • Fingerprints
    • White Powders
    • Materials
    • Pesticides
    • Art Conservation
    • Explosives
    • Reaction Monitoring
    • And much more
    without the need for sample preparation in most cases



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