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Thermal Analysis GC-MS coupling system Model:JEOL JMS-Q1600 TG-GCMS

  • Thermal Analysis system provides precise identification of mass changes and gas species evolving from chemical reactions at elevated temperatures.
    The STA/TGA-GC-MS coupling system (STA = Simultaneous Thermal Analysis, TGA = Thermogravimetric Analysis) enables software-controlled gas sampling and gas injection at short intervals. Simultaneous thermal analysis refers to the simultaneous application of two or more thermoanalytical methods to the same sample in one instrument, or simultaneous measurement of the mass changes and caloric effects on a sample under thermal treatment. The transformation energetics and mass change are obtained on one sample in one run, and the time required for the tests is cut in half. This eliminates effects of measurement conditions and/or sample preparation.
    • Food
    • Pharmaceuticals
    • Cosmetics
    • Materials
    • Polymers
    • Biomass

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